Whatz up with our environment
Sunday, June 7, 2009
11:00 PM

On June 6th. 09...
We finally did community & service.
We went to an orphanage near our school. What we planed to do were to teach them to plant seeds, to let them learn the food pyramid, and to explain to them what is going on in our world (climate change).
When we got there, my first impression was "wow", because that place doesn't even look like an orphanage! When we first met the kids, there were really, really, active. I mean WAY too active!! We got to know them by chatting and sharing interests together... Then we continued with our activities.
Danny and Ciccio did most of the talking because i can't explain in Indonesian. They told them what's going on in our environment, which is climate change. Then the Food pyramid. We explained the reason of why we should have healthy living life, and what vegetables provide for our body.
Next... is the hardest part... planting!! The kids were trying to get hold of the pots, and when we told them to be quiet and line-up, they don't listen! That really drove me crazy, but i managed not to spank them in their butt! XD We told them the procedure, the tips of taking care of tomato plants. There was a problem when planting the seeds. One group put too much water for their plant,  so, i had to help them get the water out, which wasted more time! =m=
But they are still young, so i had to be patient with them... huh~
After all the hard work, we went back inside and help them distribute snacks and drinks that we donated. They really liked the juice and snack... Later, we rested, took some group pictures and played a game called BINGO! I brought sticker with me to give to anyone that are nice and quiet (it really works) At around 11:45 am we left the orphanage and head back.
It was a tiring day...
I think the one good thing from this visit is getting along with the children, they are really enthusiastic and very friendly, and i have to admit that i quite enjoyed it.

&the beauty.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
8:04 PM

On May 16th. 2009, Veronica, Christabel and I went to a GINDO conference in JIS (Jakarta International School). GINDO stands for Global Issues Network in Indonesia. We went there to learn about what other schools are doing to help our environment and to reduce green house gases. We also discussed global issues like Global Warming.
We didn't just learn, learn, and learn. But there were entertainments such as dancing, singing, and instruments. 
In my opinion, i really learned a lot at that conference. It was at the same time really fun.
Next year, there will be another GINDO conference in Bali, and i am planning to attend that again.

&the beauty.

Monday, May 18, 2009
9:09 PM

Have you heard of "International Family Day"? if you don't, it is a day when family get together and celebrate.... (DUH) XD

Well, basically, i celebrated it at SWA and there were lots of performance to watch.... pretty cool~

I got a tiny part which is background vocal (i sang "高山青”) but it was okay a guess..... hahaha
The food was buffet, an i ate spaghetti with garlic bread.... it was yummy-ish
 The best part was eating "Crepe" students had to pay for it (rp15000) but i sneaked into the teachers buffet area and took the free Crepe!!!! ^_^ LOL 

SO..... basically it was just FUN

&the beauty.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
10:31 PM

March 4th.2009,
Our group decided to design stickers for the campaign because we thought posters won't be as effective as stickers. We will go to public places where there will be public transportations then ask if we could stick the sticker on their car, bus o other vehicles, so people who ride on it can notice. Everyone from our group must design a sticker for the campaign on the computer...

&the beauty.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
1:30 PM

February 19th 2009 , Thursday,
We discussed about the location of our project, which will be in BSD city, around Taman Tirta Golf. We will start preparing the poster and sashes during the next week. I estimate that we would be finishing the posters and sashes in 2~3 days, then we'll start planning the route for campaigning, and prepare for what we will say to the people that smokes. Out target will be the people we see that smokes while campaigning. And we will do thinks campaign after we finish our posters and sashes.

&the beauty.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
8:32 PM

Wednesday, February 18th 2009,
My group have decided the 5 best idea for our project and they are "Non-smoking community", "Recycle & reuse", "Help poor children in community", "Teach vegetable growing and giving seeds", "organizing trash". 
The first project my group will be doing is "Non-smoking community". Our aim is to stop people from smoking and to teach those people the effect of smoking to their health and the environment. But how will my group do that? We are planning to do a campaign by posters and flyers, wearing a sash during the campaign and by telling the people the effect of smoking to their health and the environment. Later on, we will discuss about the location and who will be the target of our project. Last we will set the time of when we will start doing the project...

&the beauty.

Sunday, February 15, 2009
10:27 PM

On February 16th, Monday, 2009...
I've created another blog... which is this one. I've created this blog because I am now studying in an IB school, and I am learning about community & service. My teacher told me to update this blog every week. My group members are Veronica, Christabel, Ciccio, Danny and Me. This blog will be about the project that I will be doing, which is improving the environment in our community. For example, picking up trash, separating different kinds of trash, and recycling things... When I search the web in www.volvoadventure.org, I found some good ideas for my project. Like "Don't throw, Collect", "Reduction of Waste food" and many others... Hope everyone could learn from this blog! ^^

&the beauty.


Hey guys! Welcome to my blog! I am stacy, and i write down the progress of our community & service project with our group! And i am really working hard on this blog!Don't give offensive Comments!

But if you have suggestions or something USEFUL, just tell ME~

loves & hates

I LOVE helping the environment! I HATE having to control and plan everything!

I love Italian Food and Fruit Juice :D


Finish Community & service and Improve our environment :D


Insert tagboard code here! Talk non-stop :D

Maxiumum width 144px! :]

other worlds



February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009


designer joy.deprived
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Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.