Whatz up with our environment
Monday, May 18, 2009
9:09 PM

Have you heard of "International Family Day"? if you don't, it is a day when family get together and celebrate.... (DUH) XD

Well, basically, i celebrated it at SWA and there were lots of performance to watch.... pretty cool~

I got a tiny part which is background vocal (i sang "高山青”) but it was okay a guess..... hahaha
The food was buffet, an i ate spaghetti with garlic bread.... it was yummy-ish
 The best part was eating "Crepe" students had to pay for it (rp15000) but i sneaked into the teachers buffet area and took the free Crepe!!!! ^_^ LOL 

SO..... basically it was just FUN

&the beauty.


Hey guys! Welcome to my blog! I am stacy, and i write down the progress of our community & service project with our group! And i am really working hard on this blog!Don't give offensive Comments!

But if you have suggestions or something USEFUL, just tell ME~

loves & hates

I LOVE helping the environment! I HATE having to control and plan everything!

I love Italian Food and Fruit Juice :D


Finish Community & service and Improve our environment :D


Insert tagboard code here! Talk non-stop :D

Maxiumum width 144px! :]

other worlds



February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0

- please keep the credits AS THEY ARE :] thankyou.